is an ecosystem of transformational practices;
unfurling rigid narratives and
weaving patterns of interbeing, equity & planetary health

co-existing among these times of figuring,
we disembark from linear forward propulsion so that we may
sensemake among the relational, layered, local and translocal.
Accompanied by a continuous un/learning journey across collective spaces that re-weave our social and ecological roots,
we seed and sprout ideas & tools through the following practices:

here we illuminate some of our seedlings and saplings
sprouting across the mycelial network

about us
Mothertree Labs is co-stewarded by Tony Lai & Susanne Aichele. We bring our lenses of law and lore, intercultural awareness and community nourishment
to our prismatic approach, frequently in collaboration with
kin-spirited humans & projects across the expanding ecosystem.
computational lawyer, facilitator, professor, researcher, community weaver.
Growing up an outsider, I learnt the inside game - Oxford, Stanford, corporate law, Silicon Valley - now I'm unfurling systems of privilege and power towards new patterns of agency, belonging, and care for our earth commons.
Re-storying resource and idea flow with resonance-based diplomacy, sovereignty and governance practices.

filmmaker, narrative researcher, story doula, architect of belonging.
A childhood across identities and years in the modern myth-making engine room have rendered me context-curious about narrative tools of transformation through evocative questions, moving images, collective storytelling & re-membering all parts of ourselves.
Cycling through play, care, composting and growth.
our funding framework
Operating as a non-profit allows us to focus on research, ecosystem weaving and tool creation beyond the sphere of commercial incentives. We deeply appreciate the space for relational potentiality this creates.
You can support our ongoing work through our Open Collective page.
We are grateful for the existing philanthropic resources entrusted to us by Biome Trust, generous individuals who have taken the Founders Pledge, and for the immeasurable wellspring of community support and trust.

our values
we embrace compassion, collectivity, curiosity & humility in our ongoing journey of sensemaking
we believe we all have the capacity for visioning, storytelling and acting towards better futures. We're expanding our modernity-centric understanding of 'agency' with Arturo Escobar's framing:
The capacity to co-create worlds based on localized, relational, and collective ways of being that honor the interconnectedness of humans, nature, and the cosmos.
we hold space for pluriversality and multiple truths beyond dominant institutional and human-centric narratives
we recognize every setting is unique, we unfurl complexities to enable participation
we nurture open hearts and minds, we share what we learn, broadly and inclusively
we grow long-term relationships and practice non-extractive research & creation processes
we listen for meaning amongst the layers with agile beginners mind

to learn more about weaving with us please reach out via email to
mycelium (at) mothertreelabs (dot) com